Orb Selection Portal

Basic Orb Categories

The alphabetical list on the left will link you directly to each of the main categories of Prosperity Path Orbs.

Cleansing Orbs are quick to run and work to reduce unwanted conditions such as: Anger, Banishing, Detox, Guilt, & Jealousy.

Dissolving Radiation Orbs special orbs create for maximum effectiveness of dissolving radiation.

Extreme3 Orbs are specially designed to take advantage of GODD Affirmation Power.

Insta-Fix Orbs are like Remedy Orbs cut down to the max, reduced right down to the nitty-gritty, in a "Let's get right down to work" mode.

Meditation Orbs offer easy access to meditation and a clear path to the deepest levels.

Oracles Orbs grant access to a wide variety of sources for direct one on one consult. Sources such as: Apollo, Helen Of Troy, Inanna, Ishtar, Joan of Arc, Pan, Solomon, Santa, St. Michael, Teddy, & Thoth.

Power Orbs are perfect for unmasking new areas of potential. Shorter than Remedies to play, longer Cleansing orbs. These just might be the mama bear of the Orbs -- just right.

Remedy Orbs are just that, remedies. They can work by reducing an unwanted condition, or strengthening a needed attribute, or resolving an imbalance. Remedy Orbs address issues such as: Addiction, Attention, Blessings, Certainty, Clarity, Courage, Enlightenment, Fear, Forgiveness, Heal My Pet, Hope, Inspiration, Joy, Karma Burn, Love, Lucky Buddha, Memory, Prosperity, Protection, Self-Esteem, Shame, Tantra, Will Power, and more.

Seance Orbs allow contact with the likes of William Blake, Annie Oakley, and even Houdini. Come sit and consult.

Specialty Orbs are just that -- special. Here you will find Orbs that just don't fit in the other categories. Definitely give this area a look. You never know what you might find.

Wellness Orbs are able to work with any health program or regimen you may be following. The Orbs are not medicinal. They go deeper touching on the core of who you are as a being.