Chakra Cleanse Quantum Magic Video

The above video streams from Prosperity Path's Quantum Magic Video Channel.

You may watch the video on any device that streams youtube video.

"the key to activation of the quantum effects of affirmation is to acknowledge the action, take responsibility for it, verbally as it happens, and stay with it to the end of the affirmation cycle. In order to acknowledge or agree, you can repeat each message verbally, silently or merely nod"

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Professional Gaming Orb also Available
Chakra Cleanse Orb

The link on the right will take you to the download page on payloadz. The Cleansing Orb, is a modest $5.99. This is a one-time fee. There are no in-game fees or charges.

Metatool Functions

CHAKRA CLEANSE -- A Chakra Cleanse is something you'll want to perform once a week or more, if you want to keep your "karma balance" at zero. This is something like the celebration & practice associated with Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year Celebration, and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. On Yom Kippur, Jewish folks make peace with everyone they know and square off any debts, so the New Year will not catch them unprepared. This is the highest form of personal ethic, and should be noted. Never leave the table until all debts are paid.

Music From The Game

The music used in this orb comes from the album "Wizards". The album may be purchased from, CDBaby, iTunes, or Only The Best CDs.